Earth has sculpted and smoothed Nebula Palm Stones naturally, unlike other palmstones, they are not cut and mass produced in factories.
These particular Palm Stones are very special stones from our private collection. These are truly Gem Stones, from the Gifted Valley in their natural pure shape.
They are some of the rarest and most difficult to find,
smooth, naturally shaped and
beautifully patterned of our Nebulas Stones.
The light tumbling and polishing may not remove the normal lines, cleaves and inherent inclusions from a natural stone which are an intrinsic part
of the stones own character and evolution.
These are the finest examples of polished Nebula Stone Palm Stone Mineral Specimens that we have High-Graded over time.
They are Excellent specimens
For best viewing please dim the lights in the room.
Precious stones, more than any other thing, which are lovely to the eye and touch, endure through time,
and in terms of human measurement are eternal.
Yes, they are Rarer than Diamonds.
Keep a twinkle in your eye
Give yourself or a loved one a Gift as
Enduring as the Enchanted Valley they were born in.
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Polished Specimen
Pendant Size Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
"Finding your Web-Site was kind of like finding
a patch of 4 leaf clovers."
Pendant Size Natural Tear Drop Shape
# 2-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams
When touched, worn or caressed... enhances ones awareness of our being an integral part of the entire Cosmos.
Every atom in your body is billions of years old. Hydrogen, the most common element in the universe and a major feature of your body, was produced in the big bang 13.7bn years ago. Heavier atoms such as carbon and oxygen were forged in stars between 7bn and 12bn years ago, and blasted across space when the stars exploded. Some of these explosions were so powerful that they also produced the elements heavier than iron, which stars can't construct. This means that the components of your body are truly ancient: You are stardust.
Nebula Stone symbolizes Reincarnation
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Polished Specimen
#3-PS Length: 1 3/4" = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
AAA Exquisite Nebula Stone
Large Polished Specimen
Length: 2 1/8" = 54mm Width:1 1/4" = 32 mm Thickness: 1/2" = 12mm Weight: 35 grams
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone AAA Pendant Size Polished Specimen
#5-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
AAA Polished Specimen #6-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
This is one of the rarest Nebula Stone specimens we have ever found
with a uniquely different pattern of Nebula Eyes and Quartz on both
sides of the stone. |
Every Nebula Stone has a Unique appearance and story within it... They speak to those who connect with them.
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Beautiful Square Shaped Pendant SizePolished Cutting #7-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
We finally reached a ridge top and found a low tunnel-like animal trail through the thick growth which seemed to follow the ridge downwards into the hidden valley. We were Jazzed!!!
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones Polished Specimen
Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
"You've got a great stone... they are absolutely beautiful. The orbs remind me of Van Gogh’s starry sky paintings. Dave Federman Editor-in-Chief Colored Stone Magazine The industry standard for Gemstones.
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Polished Specimen #9-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone
Polished Specimen #10-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula PalmStones
Flat Under Pillow Stone #11-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
This is a very
special Nebula Palm Stone... It has an unusual oval shape All veining in the matrix of Nebula Stone are Quartz. It may be the young microscopic terminated Quartz prisms in the matrix of all Nebula Stones that cause the piezoelectric effect of energy to which some are sensitive.
Polished Specimen
#12-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Revealing nature's connection between ourselves and this stone from deep within our Planet to the far away Nebulae that are the birth of New Star Systems and The beginning of Light... creating new Planets... and... New Life.
Exquisite Nebula PalmStones
AAA Large Polished Specimen
Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
This Exquiste Nebula Stone Palm Stone is One of A Kind and truly One of Mother Nature's finest Works of Art. It is beautifully shaped with an Amazing arrangement of Green Nebula Eyes with Rivers of Quartz in the dark night sky pattern.
"Just like theNebulas in the Night Sky"
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Polished Specimen Unique Crescent Shape #15-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams
$.00 |
"Nebula Stone is pure creative energy where new thought, new feelings and new realities can emerge." Katrina Raphaell Author of The Crystal Trilogy: Crystal Enlightenment, Crystal Healing and The Crystalline Transmission and founder of The Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts Kapaa, Hawaii
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones Polished Specimen
#16-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones
Polished Specimen
#17-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
"Just like the Nebulas, Just like Ourselves Everything is Reborn and Continues"
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Polished Specimen
#18-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone
Polished Specimen
#19-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone AAA Polished Specimen #20-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Polished Specimen
#21-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Holding them in our hands, we knew these stones were as enchanting as the Valley itself.
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones Polished Specimen
#22-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones Polished Specimen
#23-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone
Polished Specimen Pendant Natural Wire Wrap Size #24-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Polished Specimen
#25-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
"I have been in the Crystal business over 45 years and... There is no question... It is THE STONE !!" Rosalie Creations
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones Polished Specimen Extra Large Nebula StoneSpecimen
#26-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Extra Large Polished Specimen
#27-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
This Nebula Palm Stone is
beautifully shaped
Without your work and your Discovery we would not have the Nebula Stone. I truly celebrate you both ♥ Love & Hugs ♥ ♪ ♫ Melody ♪ ♫
Extra Large Soft Satin Polished Specimen
#28-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
From the Gifted Valley... "Green circles float in a field of smooth deep green almost black matrix, giving the stone a look of elegance and depth." New Age Retailer
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Soft Satin Polished Specimen
#29-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
This is a Nebula Palm Stone to
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Polished Specimen
#30-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
They are some of the Best People you will ever meet.
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones
Polished Specimen
#31-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
This Nebula Stone Specimen is truly an ultra beautiful piece. The large unusual pretty color of the Nebula Eyes makes this stone extra special. It is ideal for using in meditation or for simply holding it in the palm of the hand. It is relaxing to hold, a very nice Giant Gem Stone.
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones
Polished Specimen #32-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
It's got Pizzazz!!
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones
Polished Specimen
#33-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $0.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones
Polished Specimen
#34-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Polished Specimen
#35-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone Superb Polished Specimen
#36-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
This Nebula Stone has an abundance of beautiful green Nebula Eyes with quartz veining in the matrix on both sides of the stone. It has very rounded edges and is highly polished. It has a sweet touch.
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone
Polished Specimen
#37-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone
Polished Specimen #38-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00 |
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stone
Natural Cabochon shape Polished Specimen
#39-PS Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Continue on below to our Unpolished Nebula Stones as found in their pure natural state.
Gift Aquarium friends with safe Aquarium enhancing Nebula Stones
![]() Unpolished Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones Mineral Specimens "In their natural pure state" Just as we found them!
Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones AAA Natural Unpolished Palm "The Perfectly Cosmic Dream Stone In it's Natural Pure State"
UPS #1-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
these beautiful stones shining with the morning's dew. The first time we held them in our hands, we found them to be very smooth and felt gentle and soothing to the touch."
"Holding them in our hands...we knew these stones were as Enchanting as The Valley itself."
Very beautiful Silky Smooth with Natural Shape
ExquisiteNebula Palm Stones Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #2-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
The Healers Dream Come True Stone...
This Ultra Smooth Nebula Specimen is superb in both shape and
AAA Exquisite Natural Unpolished Palm Large Teardrop Pendant Shape
Length: 2 3/8" = 61mm Width: 1 1/4" = 32mm Thickness: 1/2" = 12mm
Weight: 42 grams $85.00
The Planets in Alignment...on both sides of this beautiful creation from Mother Nature... Nebula Stone TM
It's just like gazing into the night
sky... and feels silky smooth to
Nebula Palm Stones Natural Unpolished Palm UPS #4-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
The Rare Shape and feel of this
ultra smooth
magnificent NebulaStone™
Palm Stone
makes it the ideal Body Workers Healing Stone. ♥
Nebula Palm
Oval Shaped Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #5-U Length: "= mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
Beautiful ... Wow! Thank you Mother Nature for this amazing lovely work of art.
This Nebula Stone is an
absolutely gorgeous stone. It is stunning to the eyes and
touch. The shape and feel of this stone makes it the
perfect palm stone.
AAA Exquisite Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #6-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams
$ .00
The Quartz Source
Nebula Palm Stones Exquisite Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #7-U Length: 2 1/2 " = 64mm Width: 1 3/8" = 35mm Thickness: 5/8" = 16mm Weight: 60 grams $58.00
"The energy of Nebula Stone will continue to impart a significant contribution to humanity in the healing realm." ♪ ♫ Melody ♪ ♫
AAA Exquisite Natural Unpolishedd Palm Pendant Size with a Natural Tear Drop Shape...
UPS #8-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
"The energy of Nebula Stone will continue to impart a significant contribution to humanity in the healing realm." ♪ ♫ Melody ♪ ♫
Large Natural
Unpolished Palm
UPS #9-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Unpolished Palm
Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
Nebula Palm Stones Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #11-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
This Nebula Palm Stone is
ultra smooth to the touch...
Nebula Palm Stones Natural Unpolished Palm
Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
UPS #14-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
This Large Ultra Smooth Nebula Specimen is superb in both shape and pattern makes this large Nebula Stone a Healers Dream Stone . |
Nebula Palm Stones Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #15-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm
Weight: grams $.00
"It is very comforting…harmonizing one’s energies" The Book of Stones
Prized as personal massage Stone
Nebula Palm Stones
Large Exquisite
UPS #16-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
This side is flat with rounded smooth sides making it ideal for massage or healing body work.
This Nebula Stone is silky smooth and has a beautiful elongated
shape with a very cosmic arrangement of Nebula Eyes to gaze
into. It is energized with Rivers of Quartz in the veins on both sides.
This is one of our finest AAA Large Natural Unpolished Nebula Stone™ Palm Stones which has resided in our treasured private collection. It is just like it found us ... In it's natural pure state.
Nebula Palm Stones Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #17-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
Nebula Palm Stones Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #18-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $ .00
Nebula Palm Stones AAA Natural Unpolished Palm Extra LargeLarge Flat
UPS #19-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
This Nebula Specimen is a Healers Dream Stone... Perfect for Body
Nebula Palm Stones Natural Unpolished Palm
UPS #20-U Length: " = mm Width: " = mm Thickness: " = mm Weight: grams $.00
"It's got Pizzazz!!"
"It is like looking at a picture of a distant galaxy taken by the Hubble Telescope."
Colored stone Gem Magazine
When you receive your Nebula Stone... dim the lights... get the link to our Discovery Story "The Enchantment of Nebula Stone"...
Hold your Nebula Stone in your hand... and let it take you with us on the journey to the Hidden Valley.
* NEW Nebula Stone Palm Stones
"I was just looking at Nebula Stone's NEW LARGE Palm Stones page...WOW!! Wish I could hold one!!!"
"I'm making my list and checking it twice".
about Gift wrapping and sending direct to recipient!
* We are not set up for online shopping cart buying... so please call or E-mail us for a purchase.
Newly updated:
The Discovery of Nebula Stone
"The Enchantment of Nebula Stone"
Nebula Stone Gemstone Palm
The Enduring, Eternal Gift of Nebula Stone
* NEW Large Exquisite Nebula Palm Stones High-grade
Nebula Stone Nuggets Tumbled Stones
Starburst Nebula Palm & Pocket Stones
Nebula Stone Gemstone Mineral Spheres
The Nebula Skull Crystal Skull
Nebula Stone Gemstone
Crystal Skulls
Alien Skull
Stone Supernova Discovery
The Encyclopedia of Crystals by Judy Hall
Nebula Stone in The Book of Stones
Nebula Stone by JaneAnn Dow- Mayan Past
Nebula Stone Review by New Age Retailer
Melody's note about our Discovery
Metaphysical...Published Articles about Nebula Stone
* New Colored Stone January February 2010
Nebula Stone Rock and Gem Magazine Story
Nebula Stone Gemstone Knife Handle in the making
NEW Chocolate Galaxy
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Please go see the New TV Cosmos series on Fox TV.
"The Cosmos a Spacetime Odyssey" with Neil Degrasse Tyssen
* NEW Testimonials
* We are not set up for online shopping cart buying... so please call or E-mail us for a purchase.
If you wish you may share our link with others, just copy and paste into your email.
Privacy: We do not give, sell, trade nor share any of your info!! It’s your stuff.
Color and appearance may vary depending on your monitor and settings.
Crystals and Stones are not a substitute for medical treatment.
Nebula Stone makes no claims, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
If you need help in any way please consult your doctor or other health care practitioner regarding health issues.
Copyright© 1995-2024 Nebula Stone™
the sole source of all Nebula Stone™ or related Nebula type stones.
All rights reserved.